Witch of Hemwick: An Unskilled Guide

This won’t take long.

Seriously, this boss fight barely needs a guide. This fight is easy. And I don’t mean that in the way that a “git gud scrub” kind of gamer would tell you this fight is easy. It really is straightforward.

Even I could beat this first time every time. And not get hit. Not even once. Or ever actually feel in danger. And if I feel like that, it must be very simple.



Well that’s not completely true. You can spend the insight the have stored. The higher your insight, the more skills the Witch(es) have. I never really noticed the difference, and I there’s not a lot to spend it on yet.

Just make sure you have a Blood Vial. One’s probably enough…

This fight takes a while, lots of running around, but incredibly easy. This was my first playthrough, beat first time with no hits.

Run into the middle of the room, then run to the corner behind you, then run around the outside of the room.

When the witch appears, hit her until she disappears.

If you run into one of the slow moving minions, run a different way. Don’t bother attacking them.

That’s it. That’s the guide. These layers have powers but I never saw them. The minions are tough but move slowly. Just keep running around until the witches become visible and bop them.


Up to 3 boys get summoned to help. I didn’t see any other change.

Watch Out For

There are two witches. One health bar appears once you’ve hurt the first enough. In the case of my second playthrough, it didn’t actually appear because I killed both at the same time.

I’ve heard they can resurrect each other, so you could pull your punches if the first health bar is going down to quickly and look for the other, but I do not think that’s worth it.

2nd time around, somehow even easier…
In Other Words
  • Run around in circles and boop the witches until they die.

This fight is definitely worth it though. The unlock beyond this room is very useful, and if you reload the area and walk back down the hill, the regular witch ladies and the big boys with the axe can make a good place to farm health and blood early on.

Keep on Hunting!

Want help with other Bloodborne bosses? Click Here!

Author: Rufus Scott

I am a long term Gamer, a full-time History Teacher and a part-time geek. I enjoy writing about the positive aspects of gaming, especially when it comes to education. My posts are sometimes nostalgic, occasionally irrelevant, largely meant to provoke further discussion. I'll sometimes punctuate these whimsical ramblings with a random comment on gaming and/or teaching.

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