The Dust has Settled

Hello. It’s been a while.

It has been a busy six months – moved house, second child was born, family highs and lows, work has been tough – and blogging needed to be put on hold. As did all of my gaming, D&D and video gaming, for a time.

Now that the dust has settled, I’m gaming again. I’ll soon hopefully be blogging about the two very different games I’ve started up: Snowrunner and Bloodborne. I plan to write an idiots guide to Bloodborne at some point, as my experience with it was similar to the one I had with Dark Souls (I never got gud, but I somehow made it through).

I’ll also be picking pack up with the Disney Villains in D&D series I was writing, hopefully next Wednesday. I also plan to do a bit more regarding my teaching side again – now that I’m part time, the love of the job as greatly returned.

I’m also posting some more gaming videos to YouTube. Mainly so I can blog about them here, but the videos have been getting a few views, so we’ll see where that goes. I’ve always had a mind to do some chilled live streaming, but that’s a ways off.

The one thing that will be shelved, for now, is Dungeon23. I had such a good run, even managed to catch up into October despite now blogging about it, but I will need to be a lot more free before I can finally finish that project.

Thank you to everyone who has continued to visit this blog in my absence. Hopefully this is me back for good. Writing is not my biggest skill or my greatest hobby, but it is certainly cathartic. It’s good to be back.

Thank You For Reading

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Author: Rufus Scott

I am a long term Gamer, a full-time History Teacher and a part-time geek. I enjoy writing about the positive aspects of gaming, especially when it comes to education. My posts are sometimes nostalgic, occasionally irrelevant, largely meant to provoke further discussion. I'll sometimes punctuate these whimsical ramblings with a random comment on gaming and/or teaching.

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